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Learning Aqeedah from Qur’an and Sahih Hadiths

Immerse yourself in the rich teachings of Islam as we delve into the depths of Aqeedah (Islamic creed) through the Qur’an and Sahih Hadiths. Discover the fundamental beliefs that form the bedrock of our faith, guided by the divine revelations and the authentic sayings and actions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Unlock the treasures of knowledge within the Qur’an as we explore its verses that illuminate the concepts of Tawhid (monotheism), the attributes of Allah, the Prophets, and the Day of Judgment. Let the words of Allah guide us on the path of understanding and strengthen our connection to our Creator.

Join us as we journey through the Sahih Hadiths, the authenticated traditions of the Prophet (pbuh), to gain profound insights into the teachings of Islam. Delve into the stories and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that exemplify the principles of Aqeedah and provide practical guidance for our daily lives.

Through this enlightening exploration, we aim to deepen your understanding of Aqeedah, empowering you with the knowledge to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and unwavering faith. Let the Qur’an and Sahih Hadiths be your guiding light on the path of spiritual growth and divine wisdom.

Embark on this transformative journey as we uncover the essence of Aqeedah from the Qur’an and Sahih Hadiths. Together, let us build a strong foundation of faith, rooted in authentic Islamic teachings, and experience the beauty and tranquility that comes from a deep connection with Allah and His Messenger.

Day to day Sunnah for Kids

Welcome to our dedicated webpage on “Day to Day Sunnah for Kids,” where we explore the beautiful traditions and practices of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that children can incorporate into their daily lives.

Instilling the Sunnah (the way of the Prophet) in our children is a powerful way to connect them with the exemplary character of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and to develop habits that reflect the teachings of Islam. By following his footsteps, our children can cultivate a strong sense of spirituality, kindness, and righteousness.

On this webpage, we bring you a collection of age-appropriate and practical Sunnah practices that children can easily adopt in their day-to-day routines. These Sunnah acts range from simple acts of kindness, hygiene, and manners to acts of worship and remembrance of Allah.

Through engaging stories, interactive activities, and helpful tips, we aim to make learning and implementing the Sunnah a joyful and rewarding experience for children. Let us inspire our little ones to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet (pbuh), embodying his compassion, humility, honesty, and integrity in their interactions with family, friends, and the wider community.

Explore the various sections of our webpage to discover a treasure trove of Sunnah practices for kids. Learn how to greet others with a smile and a kind word, share food with generosity, help those in need, offer Salah (prayer) with devotion, and recite supplications before sleep and upon waking up. These small but significant acts, when practiced consistently, can have a profound impact on our children’s character development and their connection to Allah.

We encourage parents, guardians, and educators to actively participate in guiding children on this Sunnah journey. Let us provide the support, encouragement, and role modeling needed to help our children internalize and embrace the Sunnah as an integral part of their lives.

Together, let us instill the love of the Prophet (pbuh) and his way of life in our children, nurturing them to become righteous and exemplary individuals who walk the path of the Sunnah in every aspect of their lives. May their adherence to the Day-to-Day Sunnah bring them closer to Allah and lead to a lifetime of blessings and success.

Manners and Etiquettes

Teaching Islamic manners and etiquettes to children is an essential aspect of their upbringing. Instilling these values at a young age helps children develop a strong foundation of character, respect, and empathy. This webpage aims to provide parents, educators, and children with an overview of Islamic manners and etiquettes, emphasizing their significance and offering practical tips for implementation in daily life.

Importance of Islamic Manners


Understanding the significance of good manners in Islam.


The rewards and benefits of practicing Islamic etiquettes.


Building a strong character through Islamic manners.


Greeting others with "Assalamu Alaikum" (peace be upon you) and responding appropriately.


Using polite words and phrases like "please," "thank you," and "excuse me."


Showing respect to elders, parents, and teachers.

Basic Islamic Manners and Etiquettes:

  1. Greeting others with “Assalamu Alaikum” (peace be upon you) and responding appropriately.
  2. Using polite words and phrases like “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me.” c. Showing respect to elders, parents, and teachers.
  3. Honoring the rights of others and practicing fairness.
  4. Being kind and compassionate towards animals and the environment.
  5. Respecting personal space and boundaries.
  6. Manners in Worship:
  7. Proper behavior during prayer, including cleanliness and concentration.
  8. Adab (manners) of reciting the Quran and listening to its recitation.
  9. Etiquettes of visiting the mosque and attending congregational prayers.
  10. Reverence for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his teachings.
  11. Social Etiquettes:
  12. Showing kindness and helping others in need.
  13. Respecting diversity and embracing differences.
  14. Resolving conflicts peacefully and avoiding arguments.
  15. Upholding honesty and integrity in interactions.


By teaching Islamic manners and etiquettes to children, we help them become respectful, compassionate, and morally upright individuals. Encouraging the practice of these values in their daily lives will not only benefit them but also contribute to building a harmonious and caring society. Let us strive to instill these qualities in our children, ensuring they grow up to be exemplary Muslims and citizens.

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Arabic Learning and Understanding

 Learning Arabic is a journey that opens doors to understanding the language of the Quran and the rich Islamic heritage. At Kidz Guidance Academy, we provide a nurturing environment for children to learn and understand Arabic with ease.

  We start by introducing children to the Arabic alphabet and basic vocabulary, making learning fun and interactive.

  Through engaging lessons and activities, children gradually develop their Arabic reading and speaking skills, gaining confidence with each new word and sentence they learn.

  We guide children in exploring Arabic texts, including Quranic verses and Hadiths, helping them understand the meanings and teachings behind the words they encounter.

  Children participate in discussions and activities that reinforce their Arabic comprehension and encourage them to apply what they’ve learned in their daily lives.

  Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where children embark on a rewarding journey of Arabic learning and understanding, enriching their connection to Islam and its teachings!

حضور نبی اکرم ﷺ ki Seerat

The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a beacon of guidance and inspiration for people of all ages. At Kidz Guidance Academy, we bring the timeless lessons from his life to young hearts and minds.

  Through captivating storytelling and engaging visuals, children learn about the noble character, resilience, and compassion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

  Our interactive lessons and activities help children understand the significance of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings and how they can apply them to their own lives.

  By studying the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), children develop a deep love and respect for him, striving to follow his footsteps and embody his teachings in their actions.

  Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where learning about the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not just a lesson, but a journey of love, inspiration, and spiritual growth!

Inspiring Stories

Stories have the power to ignite imagination, instill morals, and inspire hearts. At Kidz Guidance Academy, we bring you captivating tales that leave a lasting impact on young minds.

Through our inspiring stories, children embark on adventures filled with courage, kindness, and wisdom. Each tale is carefully chosen to impart valuable lessons and ignite the spark of imagination.

Whether it’s tales of perseverance, compassion, or bravery, our collection of inspiring stories nurtures virtues that shape character and build resilience.

Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where every story is a journey of discovery and every lesson is an opportunity to inspire greatness in our children!

Islamic Activities, Learn with Practice

At Kidz Guidance Academy, we believe in engaging children in meaningful Islamic activities that foster spiritual growth and nurture their love for Islam.

From learning to perform Salah with concentration to memorizing Quranic verses with understanding, our activities are designed to strengthen their connection with Allah and His teachings.

Through interactive discussions, quizzes, and creative projects, we encourage children to explore the beauty of Islam and develop a deeper understanding of its principles.

Our aim is to instill in them the values of compassion, generosity, and empathy, inspiring them to become compassionate and responsible members of the community.

Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where every activity is a step towards nurturing the Islamic values and virtues in our children!

Islamic Finance

  Understanding Islamic finance is essential for instilling principles of ethical and responsible money management in children. At Kidz Guidance Academy, we introduce the concept of Islamic finance in a way that is engaging and accessible to young learners.

  We start by explaining the fundamental principles of Islamic finance, including the prohibition of interest (riba) and the obligation of charity (Zakat), using age-appropriate language and examples that resonate with children.

  Through interactive lessons and activities, children learn about various Islamic financial instruments, such as profit-sharing (Mudarabah) and cost-plus financing (Murabaha), understanding how they promote fairness and ethical conduct in financial transactions.

  Children engage in simulated financial activities that allow them to practice budgeting, saving, and making ethical investment decisions in a supportive environment.

  We encourage children to explore real-life examples of Islamic finance in action, such as charitable giving and ethical business practices, inspiring them to apply these principles in their own lives.

  Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where children learn about Islamic finance in a way that empowers them to make ethical and responsible financial decisions, guided by the principles of Islam!

30th Juz Memorizing (Amma Para Hifz)

Memorizing the 30th Juzz of the Quran is a noble endeavor that brings immense spiritual reward. At Kidz Guidance Academy, we provide a supportive environment for children to memorize and understand this Para or Juzz of the Quran.

  Through guided memorization sessions and revision exercises, children learn to recite Surahs/Chapters from the 30th Juzz fluently and accurately, committing them to memory with sincerity and reverence.

  Our qualified teachers ensure that children not only memorize the Surahs/Chapters but also understand the Tajweed rules, enabling them to recite with beautiful melody and correct pronunciation.

  We encourage children to reflect on the meanings of the verses they’ve memorized, fostering a deeper connection with the Quran and helping them apply its teachings in their daily lives.

  With dedication and perseverance, children at Kidz Guidance Academy achieve the milestone of memorizing the 30th Juzz, earning the blessings and rewards promised by Allah for those who memorize His words.

  Join us at Kidz Guidance Academy, where children embark on a journey of Quranic memorization that enriches their hearts and minds, bringing them closer to Allah and His guidance!

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